For this week, there is a longer reading assignment - Chapters 2-5. (Some of you may have read Chapter 2: Getting a Grip in last year's Biology course!)
This is a model of tiktaalik that I took a picture of at the Field Museum |
As you read, take notes of important insights about evolution that the author presents. (These can be handwritten and don't need to be emailed, but can be used for the book test in August...). Summarize the BIG IDEA of each chapter in 1-2 sentences. Then, write one question you have about each of the four chapters.
Finally, make sure you understand the role of genes like Sonic Hedgehog and genes in the cells of the zone of polarizing activity (ZPA). Explain: How have scientists' research on these topics furthered our understanding of evolution and your inner fish?
Post your responses (summary sentences, chapter question, and explanation paragraph) in the comment area below or email them to me.
Some of Tiktaalik's four-legged friends... |
Chapter 2
ReplyDeletehow the body works every single detail of the body. It shows his experience with a living person and how he started trading it personal doing an experiment on it. He compares a lot with the past and now and how we are so related to different species.
So human parts come from all different sorts of animals?
Chapter 3
in this chapter it's telling us a lot about DNA and how the DNA builds our bodies from a single egg. How our hands are formed to show a lot of examples and labitories such as with chicken eggs, sharks, mice, fish, and many more.
Can parents decided their children's genes such as more from the moms side or dad"s side no matter what?
chapter 4
how we can learn so much from animals just by their teeth such as bumps,pits, and ridges usually reflect diets. Bladed teeth are usually carnivores.
Can an animal change from a carnivore to just a plant eater?
Chapter 5
there are 12 cranial nerves that take bizarre twist and turns inside the skull. Nerves, muscle, and everything else in the skull.
Can you ever miss a nerve or anything from your skull and still be completely normal ?
Chapter Two:Getting A Grip
ReplyDeleteSir Richard Own discovered that any creature with limbs has a common design witch follows: one bone followed by two bones then little blobs then fingers and toes. Tiktaalik reveals the early stages of this underlying blueprint that all creatures share due to a common ancestor.
How is it possible for an amphibian and a fish to cross?
Chapter Three:Handy Genes
The development of limbs involves sonic hedgehog gene that is common in every limb developing. This results in pinky and thumb. Also, there is zone polarizing activity gene(ZPA) which causes mirror image on limbs.
Were the animals tested on affected in any other way other than the limbs?
Chapter Four:Teeth Everywhere
Teeth are important. They tell us a lot about a creature's diet,habitat, and weather it was a carnivore or herbivore. When teeth evolved in creatures this Was the foundation of the development of our bodies.
How is it possible for other organs to develop out of teeth?
Chapter Five:Getting Ahead
There is a simple template of our heads: plates, blocks, and rods. Within them are nerves witch control everything we do, like facial movements.
Are our heads still evolving?
Sonic Hedgehog Gene:
A gene that is active in limbs. This is active in developing hands resulting with pinky and thumb.
Zone Polarizing Activity Gene:
A patch of tissue that causes the pinky side to be different from thumb side. When adding more of this with vitamin A it causes mirror image on limb.
Due to these amazing scientist we know we have a common ancestor. We are able to not only understand the human body, but other creatures as well.we are able to appreciate knowing the development of limbs, heads, and teeth. We know so much by seeing very little, like teeth. When observing teeth we know the creatures diet and habitat. When it comes to the head we know when something isn't right we figure out the problem and fix it.
Chapter 2:Getting a Grip- This chapter was Dr. Shubin and his first and only time he taught gross anatomy. He talks about his experience and the importance of hands.
ReplyDeleteWhat are some things we can't do without thumbs?
Chapter 3:Handy Genes- This chapter was about how our relationship to fossil animals is not just based on anatomy. It is much complicated and we also find out that Dr. Shubin's lab is divided into two parts: One to study fossils and one to study DNA and embryonic development.
How can we better understand our relationship with fossil animals?
Chapter 4: Teeth Everywhere- This chapter talks about the important significance of teeth and their role in looking for fossils. He also says that we, and other mammals, have very specialized teeth. Incisors for cutting, canines for holding and molars for grinding.
What are some things that weaken our teeth?
Chapter 5: Getting Ahead- This chapter is about the head and we find out more about our common ancestry. Human design is about the finished product.
How important is our head?
The Sonic Hedgehog Gene: This gene, according to this gene, is active in limbs and in many parts of the hand.
The Zone Polarizing Activity Gene: This gene is how we could see the major difference between the thumb and the pinky.
In my opinion, I think we could adhere all the credit to these scientists for the discovery of our nearest ancestor. We are able to know why we are so close to our nearest ancestor because of the many evidence we are provided with. All the credit is given to these scientists.
chapter2: every animal has a unique and interesting body and body structure. the body can be known for a lot of information about how they move around, how they lived, how they survive.
ReplyDeleteQ. can the bones of the animal make it deference in there survival?
chapter3: the main idea of this chapter is how the DNA works when the embryo starts evolving. also the scientist experimenting with sonic the hedgehog and how it effects its body when they put that vitimin A and other animals and if they been effected by it to.
Q. can using DNA helps us more to understand fossils?
chapter4: its talking about the teeth being the most important cause it can tell a lot of the object. also how the features of the teeth can tell what are u a herb. or a carv. or a oni.
Q. what can be another way to grow teeth well if that is possible?
chapter5: this chapter is talking about the head and how it works. and the four arches. and comparing our head to a sharks and how it has the similarities.
Q. how much of knowledge can us human can hold?
the scientist researched on these topics by the technology they have provided themselves and also they investigate more and get into the research. and the more they find out the information they need. the more information we know about the fossils or the animals or either both.
chapter2: in this chapter shubin open his story on how he gave his first class on gross anatomy. Shubin relates the torso an cadavers as so modified as to be almost unrecognizable as human. shubin start giving example on theory of each scientist he human have the study when he was in school on how bat, horse, gorilla, human, and dinosaurs all had exactly the same bone of 1 bone, 2 bone, and 3 bone.
ReplyDeleteQ. is their any way we can replace our hand with a animal that has same kind of hands like us?
Chapter3: this chapter explain the relationship of fossil animal. And the sequence of DNA that makes us who we are.
Q. can we use sonic hedgehog to have more fingers?
chapter4: was about how without teeth we won't be able to find answer from the past or give us and image of the creature.
Q. is it possible to figure out type animal from the past?
chpater5 was about how evolution was extremely important to scientist to discover the past. far do u think we can go on with evolution without other theory involve.
the scientist researcher these topic by new technology they have got. with this they can see the changes of each animal they inject with the ZPA. To further understand the ZPA and how they can use it.